The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

Written By L.M. Kit Carson and Tobe Hooper
Directed By Tobe Hooper

A Cannon Films Production

Horror, Comedy


Dennis Hooper as Lieutenant  ‘Lefty’ Enright
Caroline Williams as Vanita ‘Stretch’ Brock
Jim Siedow as Cook
Bill Moseley as Chop-Top
Bill Johnson as Leatherface
Ken Evert as Grandpa


When Tobe Hooper’s 1974 cult classic, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was released it instantly went down as one of the most nerve wracking and frightening horror films ever made. But it wasn’t until 1986 that we’d be able to see what became of the Sawyer clan. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 was released into cinemas on August 22, 1986 to pretty abysmal reviews. It was in their eyes that this sequel had completely destroyed the allure of the original film. However, the fans lauded it and it went on to become a cult classic when it hit home video despite the mixed to negative reviews that critics gave it.


The story for this gory sequel is nothing like its predecessor. As a matter of fact I would even say this film falls into the category of the over the top slsher films of the 80s. However, this film is more darkly comic and fun than many of the other slasher films released during the so called “golden age” of slashers. The strange and ridiculous detours TCM 2 takes may be  outlandish and very over the top but that’s what makes this one of the best (some might argue even better than the original) horror sequels.

As far as the performances are concerned they are about as good as you’d expect from a horror film released in 1986. However, there are two exceptions: Dennis Hopper and the lovely Caroline Williams. Dennis Hopper gives one of the most manic and unhinged performances not only of his career but quite possibly one of the best performances (in a horror flick) ever committed to celluloid. Caroline Williams has a quality unlike most other “final girls” in as much as you are not hoping that she doesn’t get iced by the end of the film, this has everything to do with the fact that she took a character that would normally be an annoying little bitch and turned her into a blood soaked heroine.

Heads being cut open, faces being carved off and chainsaws up the ass, OH MY! This film isn’t really covered in gore and viscera as much as its drowning in it. The special effects were done by Tom Savini and his group of merry men. One of the major differences between TCM 2 and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the fact the the first film featured very minimal blood and gore (despite the popular belief that its a very violent film) while its sequel took a very different route with copious amounts of blood and gore.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is an over the top gorefest that doesn’t slow down for 90 minutes. If you’ve never seen this film before, get off your goddamn ass and go pick up a copy today! If you’ve already seen it, get off of the goddamn internet an go give it another viewing.



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